As we continue to attract new and exciting talent to our lineup, you will be informed and updated.

African Fest is a family gathering for the entire community and we want everyone’s experience to be wonderful and exciting. So that all of our guests enjoy the Festival, we try to keep our website current with news, updates, rules and guidelines for vendors and partners. Regularly updated in the months leading up to the event, our website and social media pages will keep you informed on everything African Fest USA.

The festival guide for 2021 will be released on January 1st 2021. African Fest is more than an event, it is a showcase of a continent. We want everyone to enjoy the Festival in person, but before you arrive on the day of the Festival, we want everyone to be in the know on updates and events leading up to the festival.

Our team has prepared a document for you to view Online with relevant and important information for vendors, sponsors and guests.

Click on a card to find out more


What is African Fest USA?

Africa Fest USA is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit based in Arizona. The organization is uniquely organized and operates with two initiatives. First, the future center is going to be the core of the organization where programs and initiatives are developed to present African culture to the citizens of United States of America in the heart of Tempe AZ. Second, the Festival will introduce African culture through Music, Food, Fashion and Art.

When is the Festival?

The Festival will be held on Friday March 26, Saturday March 27, Sunday  March 28

Where is this year’s Festival?

This year’s Festival will be held at Kiwanis Park, Tempe AZ.

What time do gates open?

The gates will be opened at 12:00 on Friday the 26th, 11:00 am Saturday 27th & Sunday the 28th

Will Re-entry be allowed?

We will allow re-entry throughout the day as long as attendee has official festival stamp and/or wristband given upon initial entry.

Will there be vegetarian, vegan and/or gluten-free menu offerings?

Yes our vendors will have multiple options to address these dietary needs.

Is there a map of the grounds I can see?

Yes, please visit our website.

Will you be posting set times in advance?

Yes, we will. Beginning January 1st, 2021, we will begin sharing the program schedule on social media.

What weather should I prepare for?

This is an outdoor event so please prepare for any weather conditions. However, we will update with weather conditions, as we get closer to the Festival date.

Will the Festival be canceled if it rains?

No, rain will not cancel the Festival.

How do I become a food partner or activation partner?

You can contact us directly at

How can I sign up to be a volunteer?
You can visit our volunteer’s page or contact us directly at

Have any enquiries?